Special Effects and Game Development
in Java(TM) - How to compile and run your applet
by Anibal Wainstein
2.0.3 How to compile and
run your applet
Save the code example in the last section as an ordinary
text file (it must be in ASCII and not in Word or similar
format). All the applets require that they are embedded in
a HTML page in order to work. Write the following bit of HTML
code into a separate file:
<HEAD><TITLE>My first applet</TITLE></HEAD>
<APPLET CODE="myapplet.class" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100>
Here we specify that the applet shall use the myapplet.class
file as base and where the width and height is 100 pixels
each. I guess that you already understand how HTML works so
I will not explain what the rest of the text means.
Save and name the file to "myapplet.html" in the
same folder as the Java file.
Depending if you have Sun's or Microsoft's Java development
system, you open a DOS window in Windows and write the following
into the folder where your Java and HTML files are:
\pathtojavac\javac myapplet.java
(Sun's JDK)
\pathtojvc\jvc myapplet.java (Microsoft's SDK)
The compilator will examine the file and notify you about
the errors it finds and where they are. A common error that
everyone may encounter is to forget the semi-colon after a
Java statement.
Now you can open the HTML file "myapplet.html"
with your favourite web browser. If you use Netscape, you
can open the Java console under the program menu (look under
tools in Netscape 4.X). The same thing applies to Internet
Explorer 4.01 or 4.02. However in version 4.0 of Internet
Explorer you must make sure the Java logging option is on
before you look at the applet (this will you find under the
IE advanced settings). The Java log is written as a text file
under the c:\windows\Java\ folder. If you want to spare yourself
of this trouble then just upgrade to version 4.01 or 4.02.
You can also click here
to see the applet.
2.0.4 Quick ways to show
results (showStatus() and println())
The Java method println() belongs to the PrintStream class,
under the java.io package (IO stands for "In Out"
and is used to note communication with the user or the hard
drive). You do not have to lay much thought on this, because
when a Java Virtual Machine is started you have automatically
a println() method ready under the System class and under
its communication class out. The class out is pointing on
the Java console. By using out you can easily check the values
of your variables.
In section 1.2.3
we looked at the arithmetic operators:
int a = 4; int b = 2;
//The number 6 will be stored in "c" c = a + b;
//The number 2 will be stored in "c" c = a - b;
//The number 8 will be stored in "c" c = a * b;
//The number 2 will be stored in "c"
c = a / b;
Unfortunately we could not verify that the result was correct.
The method println() exist for many types of variables. Write
the following applet: import java.awt.*;
public class calculationapplet extends Applet {
public void init()
{ int a = 4; int b = 2; c = a + b; System.out.println(c);
After writing this and compiled it you will be able to see the
number 6 on the Java console. Now you may wonder how it may
be that the same println() could write a number, when the same
method in the last example wrote a string. This is called function
overloading. They are NOT the same methods even though they
are named the same. If two methods are named the same but
have different arguments, Java will see them as two unique
methods. However you cannot have two functions that are named
the same and where both require identical arguments. The following
println() methods are some of the most used:
When you run and applet on a web browser you have also access
to the status window that is used to be located at the bottom
of the screen. There is a method under the Applet class that
is called showStatus(). With this you can show strings. Let
us take the "Hello Sweden!" example in section 2.0.2
and rewrite it:
import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class myapplet extends Applet {
public void init()
showStatus("Hello Sweden!");
} }
Compile it, run this applet on your web
browser and look at the status window. Please note that depending
on the web browser you have, this applet may fail because
other system messages may overwrite your status bar message.
Therefore showStatus() may not always be good to use if you
do not update your message continously. We will later see
how you can have fun with it anyway.
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